Monday, June 11, 2007

Installing a wind turbine

All of these sites have photos and text that show and describe aspects of installing a wind turbine.

Seven photos about erecting a large wind turbine from the Danes' wind power site for kids.


A wind turbine powers the Univeristy of Minnesota/Morris campus; the project is a key component of the campus' renewable-energy initiative. The 367-foot turbine towers above the plain at the Renewable Energy Research and Demonstration Center, part of the University's West Central Research and Outreach Center (WCROC) in Morris, Minnesota. The turbine, a Vestas 1.65 MW machine, supplies half the electricity for the campus and its 2,000 students.


Home/office renewable energy, A case study- Small Wind turbine installation.

We live in Eastern Ontario, which doesn't have a great wind resource. After looking a long time for a suitable unit we bought an African Wind Power 3.6, so called because its blade span is 3.6 metres, or just under twelve feet.

September 2004
Pouring concrete for the footings. This is the central tower footing. Eight yards of concrete went into the five holes.

Late October
At right is the tower all rigged and ready to raise. No one involved had any real experience with serious towers like this, so it was a major learning process for everyone.


Installing a Scirocco at the Woodstock Farm Show

Solacity was invited by Green Breeze Inc. to share their stand at the 2006 Woodstock Farm Show. Farmers in Ontario are putting up wind turbines in large numbers these days. Photos on this page show details of the turbine. A comparison matrix can be read at this link.


"5 Things To Keep In Mind When Installing A Wind Turbine" uses as its point of reference the 143-turbine Melancthon Wind Project from Canadian Hydro Developers Inc.


Wind turbines can be installed in a variety of ways and at a variety of scales. A single turbine is relatively straightforward to install on a site, requiring basic mounting structures to support it. The requirements for selecting an appropriate site and determining how much electricity a turbine can generate can be more complex.

Because the wind does not blow constantly, the actual power output of a turbine is generally much lower (generally 25 to 40%) of its rated capacity. A 1 MW turbine with a 30% capacity factor would have an average output of 0.3 MW.


Frequently Asked Questions Associated with Interconnecting Distributed Generation, Specifically Wind Energy; Four-page PDF; March 2007; Sioux Valley Energy (A Touch Stone Energy Cooperative).


For something completely different and to determine how many wind turbines you need, first calculate....


A handful of South Dakota wind-

7 PM Jun 11, S at 23 mph
3 PM Jun 11, S at 22 mph
Noon Jun 11, S 17 mph
5 AM Jun 11, SSE at 15 mph
11 PM Jun 10, ESE at 7 mph

Do contact me if you want to buy any of this blog's content or would like to have other specific wind power-related content uncovered.

'Til next time. Best Wind.