Sunday, May 27, 2007

Wind power and wind energy definitions #1

This section of Ten Steps to Wind Farming has Definitions for individuals, groups, communities, businesses and other land owners.

Agriculture a.k.a. farming, ranching, and similar livelihoods- the occupation, business, or science of cultivating the land, producing crops and / or raising livestock; processing or finishing any ag production.

Agronomics- the economics of land use: the branch of economics that is concerned with the use and productivity of land.

Aericulture a.k.a. wind farming- the occupation, business, or science of harnessing wind energy flowing over agricultural, community, business, or residential land to generate electricity.

Aerinomics a.k.a. wind economics- the economics of wind use;: a branch of agronomics that is concerned with the use of wind in power generation and the productivity of wind turbines.

Anemometer- a 3- or 4-cup or ultrasonic device that measures wind speed from calm to gusts. A recording anemometer logs average wind speed every five minutes or other time period.

A hand-held anemometer is the Novalynx Model 200- 2520 Wind Meter.

A hand-held anemometer is the Kestrel 1000 Pocket Wind Meter.

Baseline- "always on" power that is maintained to meet the expected minimum demand by residential and commercial consumers.


A handful of South Dakota wind-

3 PM May 27, SSW at 3 mph

5 AM May 27, WSW at 9 mph {wind farming doesn't make economic sense until the wind is faster than 14 mph}

8 PM May 26, WNW at 17 mph

7 PM May 26, WNW at 20 mph

6 PM May 26, WNW at 18 mph

Oldest 5 PM May 26, WNW at 21 mph.

Do contact me if you want to buy any of this blog's content or would like to have other specific content uncovered.

'Til next time. Best Wind.