Saturday, April 12, 2008

Life and finding work in South Dakota- No. 1

Yep, it's definitely spring in South Dakota. The snow is wetter. During the night of 10 April 08 nearly 6" of snow fell; people who owned four-wheel drive pickups and SUVs had one more reason to drive like maniacs, so they did. Robins, which I have seen around here for a week or so, must be wondering WTH is going on, where's the "global warming?"

With temperatures in the low-30s Farenheit, the streets and avenues of Watertown are deep with slush, the ruts of which keep a compact car like mine going that way when I need to turn this way. 'Tis not a problem if indeed you want to go "that way," but can be a struggle to get out of the slush rut. As you try to angle through the stuff the car slides somewhat in the direction it was initially going. The worst-case is sliding into an on-coming car or one parked at the curb; the car could slide into the curb or just get stuck. Lotta details to keep in mind whilst driving here.

Wagon trains heading west faced ruts and individual wagoneers struggled, too, when they wanted, say, to go to St. Loius rather than stay on the Oregon Trail. (Oh sure, that's a "reach" to compare a 21st century city-driver with 19th century pioneers since our situations are only marginally similar, but we both bumped and jolted across ruts to get where we want to be.

They wanted to start new lives "out West," and I need to start a new job, being unemployed now since the end of November 2007. I have applied for work at a number of companies here, in Sioux Falls, Aberdeen, and outside South Dakota. Even with all of the rejections and shaken (not stirred) self-confidence, I know I'm only hosed if I stop slinging applications and "beating the bushes" by writing "food for thought, if not action" letters. I am an information researcher / writer to support customer service and /or business development. I'm never without "something to do" with this as my "work title."

At this point I am skilled in researching information and have a talent for organizing the results of my research into written ... abstracts? summaries? tracts? screeds? missives? monologues? blatherings? Yeah, something like that.

"That" is what I do well (think I do well) and enjoy doing. The Watertown Regional Library is the best place on the planet; every library is the best place on the planet. I've been a patron at King County Library, Salt Lake County Library, Tucson Public Library, Murray Library, and others. In them I can find an answer to nearly every question and a solution to nearly every question. (Religious strife, political logic, clean coal, effective schools, and other oxymorons are in the "nearly" categories.)

Don't let what you don't have prevent doing what you can do." Lou Holtz.

Always follow your passion. Rush Limbaugh.

Keep on chasing that dream; even though you're right behind it, you might not find it. The band they named a city after, Boston.

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