Saturday, November 10, 2007

A Handbook, a conference, and farm energy production

I have finished 1,030 Billion kWhs: South Dakota's Wind Fields, a handbook to successful wind farming. I will market 1,030 along with the specifications for two 100 kW turbines, a 750 kW turbine, and a 900 kW machine.

The handbook costs $5.95; the handbook plus one spec costs $9.95. South Dakota's 31,000 farmers, ranchers, community leaders, and other potential wind farmers will be able to immediately put to work this clear and to-the-point handbook. I'm also compiling 1,000 farm energy production web addresses (which includes wind energy and wind power).

Coteau Wind & Power is the company I've started to reach the 31,000.

"The Wind Energy & Transmission: The South Dakota Landscape forum will begin at 1:00 pm onThursday, November 29th and will adjourn at 2:00 pm on Friday, November 30th. Please see the latest summit draft agenda here for more details."

"The registration fee is $80. This fee covers meeting materials, a reception onThursday, November 29th, and breakfast and lunch on Friday, November 30th. Register online through the “Online Registration link." [It is time to "wheel" some of our 1,030 billion kWhs to divert fossil-fuels from power genertion to raw stock for material.]

Farm Energy Production web addresses (a work in progress)

Horizon Wind Energy- Developing and Building Wind Power Projects

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