• is part of the National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service is managed by the National Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) and is funded under a grant from the United States Department of Agriculture's Rural Business-Cooperative Service.
• provides information and other technical assistance to farmers, ranchers, Extension agents, educators, and others involved in sustainable agriculture in the United States.
• services are available to farmers, ranchers, market gardeners, Extension agents, researchers, educators, farm organizations, and others involved in commercial agriculture.
Its "Farm Energy" sidebar link goes to a page listing publications, success stories, and additional links regarding "Renewable Energy" categories, which are discussed in the "Introduction"
• Biodiesel
• Ethanol
• Wind Energy
• Solar Energy
• Anaerobic Digesters and Other Biomass Options
• Energy Co-ops and Local Ownership and
• Funding Opportunities.
This post focuses on the "Wind Energy" link. Future posts will cover more farm energy topics in greater detail.
Renewable Energy Opportunities on the Farm
• can be read online or as a PDF (20-page)
• is not a technical guide for designing or installing renewable energy systems
• is an overview that provides information on wind, solar, and renewable fuel technologies, cost and savings, site planning, and financial incentives
• introduces three renewable energy resources that can be attractive and economically feasible for the farm: solar, wind, and renewable fuels.
Renewable energy can prevent the release of pollutants into the atmosphere and contribute significantly to local economies, creating jobs and keeping energy dollars in the local economy.
Small wind turbines-
--Skystream 3.7, Southwest Windpower USA, MSRP: $5,400, residential wind generator that hooks up to your your home, Rated Power not provided, Peak Power 2400 W, Output/Month 400 kW @ 20 mph (9.5 m/s).
--Whisper 500, Southwest Windpower USA, The 3000-watt rated turbine will deliver in excess of 500 KWH per month in a 12 mph (5.2 m/s), Rated Power 3000 Watts, Peak Power 3200 W @ 27 mph (12 m/s), Output/Month 538 kW @ 12 mph (5.3 m/s).
--BWC Excel & Excel-R, Bergey USA, well suited for large rural homes, remote villages and facilities, Rated Power not provided, Peak Power 10 kW @ 31 mph (13,8 m/s), Output/Month 1500 kW (XLSheet) @ 12.5 mph (5.6 m/s).
--Wind Turbine Industries Corporation's 20Kw Jacobs® Wind Turbine, Rated Wind Speed (mph) 26 mph, in 16 mph wind may yield 60,665 kWh annually, Complete System with 120 ft. tower- $56,100.00, Grid Intertie System option.
--Fuhrländer FL 30, Power Output: 30 kW, specifications are in PDF.
--Energy Maintenance Service, LLC, Remanufactured E15 35kW or 65kW (approx. $2 per output watt purchase price), proven track records of reliable performance. Small/community wind turbine.
Community wind turbine-
--Distributed Energy Systems (previously known as Northern Power Systems) NorthWind 100 wind turbine NorthWind 100 Wind Turbine brochure/specification is a PDF.
--Fuhrländer's FL 250 has proven in inland and coastal location that wind turbines of the medium class continue to be of commercial use. Designed for a life of 25 years.
129 items found for wind turbine on eBay (24 June).
1 comment:
Une pomme rouge
S'en allant à Rome
Saint Pierre et saint Simon
Gardez bien la maison
S'il y vient un pauvre
Donnez-lui l'aumône
S'il y vient un capucin
Donnez-lui un verre de vin
S'il y vient un voleur
Percez-lui le coeur.
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