Monday, May 28, 2007

Rural Learning Center can spur energy entrepreneurs

South Dakota Rural Enterprise serves South Dakota with financing programs ... and bringing new products and services into the rural economic development market.

Its web site is here.

Beth E. Davis is President of South Dakota Rural Enterprise.

Its "SD development organizations" tab has many links, including one to the Howard, SD Rural Learning Center.

"The Center is where rural leaders from across South Dakota and the nation will gather to address issues important to small towns and their surrounding countryside, and to learn from one another. Just as important, Miner County residents will use the Center's advanced telecommunications for medical services, business, and education."


With the current drought conditions in the upper Missouri River watershed reducing hydropower production at SD dams, the pending Keystone pipeline, and an annual potential of more than one thousand billion kW hours of wind power, the RLC can also be the center of farm energy production entrepreneurship.

Ethanol and wind power are at present the "heavy hitters" mentioned in USDA Farm Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency programs. Without doubt, biomass will come into its own as more developmental research is done at schools like SDSU, UofMinnesota/Morris, and North Dakota State U. Technology transfers such as this can be made available from the RLC through "podcasts," a dynamic website (supported by seed, implement, chemicals, and other companies), PDFs, and satellite radio broadcasts.

One source of content at RLC can be re-released to different receiving devices (computer, cell phone, iPod/MP3 player) using XML capabilities by way of companies like Mulberry Technologies, Inc. of Rockville, MD. Its presentation slides 12, 13, 14, and 15 highlight XML 's usefulness in "getting the word out" in a "one to many" manner.

In my mind, ag-based energy production has the same potential for changing life as oil production gleamed with potential in the early 20th century. Be on the look-out for the "new Getty" and the "new Rockefellar."

A Handful of South Dakota wind-

  • 6 PM May 28, S at 25 mph
  • 4 PM May 28, S at 28 mph
  • 11 AM May 28, S at 20 mph
  • 6 AM May 28, SSE at 14 mph
  • 10 PM May 27, ESE at 3 mph.

    Do contact me if you would like to buy any of this blog's content or want other web content uncovered.

'Til next time, Best wind.

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